The News Lens
Date: 2016/04/07
Translated and compiled by Yuan-ling Liang
Rand Corporation, an analysis think tank supported by the Pentagon, recently
issued a report, “Air Defense Options for Taiwan,” suggesting that Taiwan should reduce its budget on military aircrafts and emphasize more on missiles.
The preface of the report points out that Taiwan’s relationship and geographic condition with China lead to one of the most complicated air defense problems in the world. Since China has built systems that threaten Taiwan’s military aircrafts, the level of PLA’s (People’s Liberation Army) defense facilities surpasses that in Taiwan. If a military conflict takes place, Taiwan’s aircrafts would be completely destroyed.
According to the report, Taiwan’s fighter force is less capable than China’s and even outnumbered in the air. The island’s ground force is also by far too vulnerable. [FULL STORY]