Radio Taiwan International
Date: 2018-05-14
Taiwan is set to open two White Terror Parks on International Museum Day, May 18. The White Terror period was from 1949-1987 when political dissidents were oppressed in Taiwan. In addition to these new museum parks, the culture ministry encouraged the public to check out innovative features at Taiwan’s museums.
International Museum Day is May 18 and this year’s theme is “Hyperconnected Museums: New approaches, New Publics”. Many museums feature new ways of enjoying art and culture. In Taiwan, this includes new immigrants from Southeast Asia becoming museum guides using their native languages. Many Taiwan museums offer AR and VR experiences such as interacting and even be chased by dinosaurs. National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts also presents an exhibit that can be touched for the visually challenged.
Minister of Culture Cheng Li-Chiun says that museums are a window to that generation and how it chooses to express its thoughts. Cheng invites the public to go to museums on International Museum Day. She also encourages museums to continue to use creative ways of expression.
On May 17 and 18 the White Terror Memorial Parks on Green Island and Jing-Mei open. The Tainan Branch of the National Museum of Prehistory will open at the end of this year.