Wu resigns as minister of education

‘SLANDER AND INSULTS’:  ‘I hope my departure will put an end to all irrational attempts to interfere with the ministry’s efforts to promote education policies,’ Wu Maw-kuen said

Taipei Times
Date: May 30, 2018
By: Ann Maxon  /  Staff reporter

Minister of Education Wu Maw-kuen (吳茂昆) yesterday said he has resigned from his

Then-minister of education Wu Maw-kuen, who resigned yesterday, reports to the legislature’s Education and Culture Committee on Thursday last week.  Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times

post, becoming the nation’s shortest-serving education minister.

Since he took office on April 19, he has been accused of illegally obtaining NT$176 million (US$5.87 million) in research bonuses from National Dong Hwa University while serving as its president, stealing a patented technology owned by the university, illegally working as an adviser at three institutions in China and illegally attending a summit held by Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in China’s Hangzhou while he served as National Science Council minister.

Wu had previously explained that the research bonuses had been given to him due to an administrative error and denied all the other allegations except for attending the summit in Hangzhou.    [FULL  STORY]

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