Want China Times
Date: 2015-06-21
By: CNA and Staff Reporter
Kuomintang presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu said Saturday that national interest will be her

Hung Hsiu-chu had earlier derided the idea of visiting the US, likening it to a form of test or job interview. (Internet photo)
prime consideration in deciding whether to visit the United States, after learning that the ruling party is intent on having her do so despite her dismissive remarks earlier in the week.
“The United States is our closest and most important ally, and it is very important to maintain relations with the United States,” she said, having only a few days previously scoffed at the idea of visiting the US in a swipe against her opposition rival Tsai Ing-wen.
Hung also stressed that only statements coming directly from her or her spokesperson could be considered to reflect her views on cross-Taiwan Strait relations and the issue of a possible US visit.
She made the remarks after KMT Chairman Eric Chu said earlier Saturday that arrangements will be made for Hung to visit the United States after she is confirmed as the party’s official presidential candidate at the party’s national convention set for July 19. Chu said the KMT will communicate with the US side on the date of Hung’s visit, with August and September both possible times.
Only a few days earlier, Hung had said that if she were to go to the United States now, it would be like taking a test or attending a job interview, which she said would be very strange — a clear jab at opposition Democratic Progressive Party candidate Tsai Ing-wen, who recently returned from a 12-day trip to the United States, where she was warmly received by lawmakers and think tanks. In an interview with a local radio station, she said, “My feeling of repellence is very strong. How is this honorable? I don’t think our presidential candidates definitely have to go.” She proposed instead that she would invite US officials to come and talk to her in Taiwan. [FULL STORY]