Taiwan News
Date: 2015-07-27
By: Ko Lin, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
Jobs are getting harder to come by as fresh college graduates flock to the career market
during summer seasons, according to one of Taiwan’s top human resources agencies, the 1111 job bank on Monday.
Despite the jobless figure being the lowest in 15 years in a recent survey conducted by the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics (DGBAS), the job bank said the 20-to-24 group still had the highest unemployment rate of 12.27 percent in June.
In a survey conducted by the job bank on how employers feel about first-time jobseekers, the island’s corporations gave them an average of 2.1 months in terms of adaptation period, which is the time of on-the-job orientation for new employees.
Meanwhile, from a scale of a 100, the employers polled rated an average of 44 points in terms of how they perceive new entrants. Almost half of those questioned viewed them as showing “average performance” while 38 percent said their performance were unsatisfactory. [FULL STORY]