Arsonist Handed the Death Penalty

Taiwan English News
Date: June 7, 2018 
By: Phillip Charlier

A man who was found guilty of setting fire to an apartment building in Chonghe District, New Taipei City, taking the lives of nine people in November, 2017, was sentenced to death, in a verdict handed down by the Taipei District Court today, June 7.

Li Guo-hui (李國輝), had argued in his defense that a tenant of the building had constantly provoked him, and that “voices” had told him to do it.

However, the court determined that even if Li had suffered auditory hallucinations, he still had the ability to make choices. Also, Li had used violence in the past, when faced with problems. The arson case had been the result of his actions as an individual.

The court held that Li had the same reasoning ability as any normal person before, during, and after the incident. After setting fire to the building, he had changed his clothes and attempted to evade arrest. Li had also returned to the scene to watch the fire.    [FULL  STORY]

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