Brawl breaks out after Chinese tourists stare at Taiwanese in Kaohsiung hot pot spot

Fight breaks out between Taiwanese and Chinese tourists at hot pot eatery in Kaohsiung

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/07/26
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

(Kaohsiung Police Department photo)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Early this morning (July 26), a fight broke out between Taiwanese tourists and Chinese tourists at a hot pot restaurant in Kaohsiung.

At 5 a.m. this morning, a fight broke out between Taiwanese and Chinese tourists at a well-known mala hot pot restaurant in Kaohsiung's Lingya District, reported Apple Daily. One table had a group of Taiwanese tourists, while the other table was full of Chinese tourists.

Just as the Taiwanese were getting up to pay their bill and leave, the Chinese tourists allegedly stared at the Taiwanese. The Chinese tourists' glares were enough to ignite a massive brawl, according to the report.

Soon hot pot bowls, cups, wooden chairs, and broth became weapons. The restaurant was in shambles in a matter of minutes.    [FULL  STORY]

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