Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/11/24
By: Chen Wei-ting and Frances Huang
Taipei, Nov. 24 (CNA) China Airlines (CAL, 華航), one of Taiwan’s leading international carriers, said Thursday that it will partner with its subsidiaries to hire some of the TransAsia Airways pilots who have lost their jobs due to the airline’s closure.
CAL said two of its subsidiaries, Mandarin Airlines and the budget carrier Tigerair Taiwan, will give a joint briefing on their recruitment plans Friday at TransAsia’s headquarters in Taipei.
In a surprise announcement Tuesday, TransAsia said it was closing its operations due to massive losses amid escalating competition in the global airline business.
The closure has left 153 TransAsia pilots without jobs but some of them are likely to be hired by CAL since there is shortage of pilots in the aviation industry, according to analysts. [FULL STORY]