China’s new strategy is to derail Taiwan’s economy: academic

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/03/08
By: Tang Pei-chun and S.C. Chang

Brussels, March 7 (CNA) Beijing has changed its strategy of helping Taiwan to prosper

Song Xinning (宋新寧, second left)

alongside China’s economic growth and instead is now trying to impoverish Taiwan to make it more dependent on mainland China, a Chinese academic said Tuesday.

China’s policy toward Taiwan has clearly been to do everything it can to stop any Taiwan independence campaign, said Song Xinning (宋新寧), director of the European Institute for Asian Studies, at a seminar on “The Trump Presidency: Implications for Northeast Asia.”

If there are no independence moves by Taiwan, there will be no problems in cross-Taiwan Strait relations, Song said at the seminar, which was aimed at making an initial assessment of how much change is likely to come out of the U.S.-Japan alliance during Trump’s first term and examining the broader implications for regional security dynamics in Northeast Asia.    [FULL  STORY]

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