Chinese students in Taiwan share their frustrations with Taiwanese society

A youtube video from ‘Stop Kiddin Studios’ asks ‘What disappoints Chinese students in Taiwan or makes them envious of Taiwanese people?’

Taiwan News
Date: 2018/06/16
By: Duncan DeAeth, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – On June 15, the Youtube channel Stop Kiddin Studios

(Image from Unsplash user Shupin Zeng)

uploaded a video of Chinese students discussing things they like and don’t like about life in Taiwan. Some of their responses are surprising.

In the short video, viewers are given some interesting insight into how Chinese students, who are all speaking anonymously, compare some aspects of daily life between China and Taiwan.

One common theme among several responses is the convenience of life in Taiwan. One specific example is the ease of buying tickets for travel or entertainment using the kiosks located at most 7-11s.

Another respondent expresses her envy for the universal health care provided to Taiwanese citizens in Taiwan, lamenting that she is unable to receive the healthcare benefits, stating emphatically “We get sick too!”    [FULL  STORY]

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