Civic knowledge in Taiwanese kids ranked second highest in the world

Taiwanese 8th graders have more civic knowledge than counterparts in most of the world

Taiwan News 
Date: 2017/11/08
By: Juvina Lai, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — According to the local organizer of an International survey,

(By Central News Agency)

Taiwanese eighth-graders possess more civic knowledge than their counterparts in most of the world. Among 24 participating countries, Taiwanese students scored the second highest spot on the list, as reported by the Central News Agency.

The International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS) survey released the results on Tuesday in which Taiwan featured in second place. The countries which participated in the survey include Belgium, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Russia, Germany, Slovenia, the Netherlands, Sweden, Chile, Columbia, Dominican Republic, Peru, Mexico, Taiwan, Hong Kong and South Korea.

The survey studied knowledge, understanding, feeling, rights, perceptions and activities of the students related to civics, citizenship and rights.    [FULL  STORY]

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