If tradition holds — and weather allowing — several thousand people will pack Liberty Plaza on Saturday night to watch another of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre’s annual free outdoor performances
Taipei Times
Date: Jul 16, 2015
By: Diane Baker / Staff reporter
Cloud Gate Dance Theatre (雲門舞集) and Cathay Financial Holdings are celebrating 20

Cloud Gate Dance Theatre is taking its 2013 production Rice on tour for its annual summertime outdoor performances, starting on Saturday night in Taipei’s Liberty Plaza. photo Courtesy of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre
years of collaboration this month and Cloud Gate fans nationwide should be celebrating right along with them.
Cathay Financial began sponsoring the company’s annual summertime outdoor performances two decades ago, allowing the troupe — or Cloud Gate 2 (雲門2) — to entertain and thrill tens of thousands of people who might never have the chance to see the companies perform on stage.
The venues for the summer show almost always include Taipei and then one or two places either in the center or south of the nation, or occasionally one of the offshore islands. [FULL STORY]