As high-school students across the nation protest against the Ministry of Education’s adjustments to high-school curriculum guidelines, National Taiwan Normal University history professor Chou Liang-kai, who headed the ministry’s curriculum adjustment committee for 2006 and 2009, elaborated on his view of the latest adjustments in an interview with staff reporter Tsai Ying of the Chinese-language ‘Liberty Times’ (the sister newspaper of the ‘Taipei Times’)
Taipei Times
Date: Aug 06, 2015
The protests against the “black-box” curriculum adjustments involve not only the issue of

National Taiwan Normal University history professor Chou Liang-kai, convener of the previous two adjustments to the high-school curriculum guidelines, gestures during an interview in Taipei on Monday. Photo: Fang Pin-chao, Taipei Times
procedural justice, but the conflict between a closed perspective of history — represented by the ministry’s latest adjustments — and an open historical perspective that educators support, National Taiwan Normal University history professor Chou Liang-kai (周樑楷) said.
Chou called on the ministry to be open-minded and at the very least delay the implementation of the adjusted guidelines, while urging Minister of Education Wu Se-hwa (吳思華) to step down to take political responsibility.
Chou said he is willing to support students protesting against the ministry, even though the 2006 Taiwanese history curriculum guidelines had him embroiled in a controversy involving Taiwanese independence versus unification. [FULL STORY]