Defense ministry: no PLA troop crossed median line during exercises

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 30 July, 2019
By: Jake Chen

Defense ministry: no PLA troop crossed median line during exercises. (CNA Photo)

China’s PLA military did not cross the median line of the Taiwan Strait during their recent military exercises. That was the word from the defense ministry on Tuesday.

A former official from Taiwan’s Naval Academy recently said in a Facebook post that some of China’s PLA troops went over the median line during their ongoing military exercises. The defense ministry commented on the statement during a press conference. They said that they’re up to date on the activities in the Taiwan Strait and the Chinese troops didn’t cross the median line. 

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s military conducted drills that involved the firing of anti-ship missiles on Monday and Tuesday. Some believe it to be a defense exercise against a potential PLA naval fleet. The defense ministry rejected the rumor, saying that they have been holding similar exercises every year, and that the latest one is unrelated to the PLA.    [FULL  STORY]

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