EPA fights oil spill near Green Island

BLACK PYTHON:A resident who posted photographs and video of the pollution on social media said that a ‘suspicious’ passing vessel might have dumped the oil

Taipei Times
Date: Mar 12, 2017
By: Staff writer, with CNA

Authorities yesterday worked to clean up oil that might have been illegally dumped in

Environmental Protection Administration workers begin to clean up an oil spill on a beach near a lighthouse on Green Island yesterday. Photo: Huang Ming-tang, Taipei Times

waters near Green Island (綠島), Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) officials said.

Officials said they received reports about the oil spill near Green Island on Friday night and yesterday sent experts to the site.

The oil spread about 10km along Green Island’s north coast, Green Island Inspection Office chief Hsiao Su-ping (蕭肅平) said.

The most heavily polluted waters stretched 600m from the island’s lighthouse in the northwest to Jhongliao Harbor (中寮港), Hsiao said, adding that the sea bed around the island was also affected by the oil.    [FULL  STORY]

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