Want China Times
Date: 2015-09-27
By: CNA and Staff Reporter
Haiti has expressed heartfelt appreciation toward Taiwan for helping to build a health
center in a remote area to meet the basic medical needs of 10,000 local residents.
Peter Hwang, Taiwan’s ambassador to Haiti, and Florence Guillaume, the Haitian minister of public health and population, co-presided over the groundbreaking ceremony of the center at Dufresnay in the suburb of the capital Port-au-Prince on Tuesday.
Hwang said that on his way to Dufresnay, which took him on over two hours of bumpy roads, he could feel the urgent need for the health center among local residents.
Taiwan will donate US$100,000 to build the center, which will include an examination room, a counseling room, a delivery room and a pharmacy among others, to cater to the basic medical needs of the suburb’s 10,000 residents.
Guillaume said that transportation in Durfresnay is not convenient and health conditions there are comparatively inferior to other places and she expressed appreciation for the ROC government’s assistance with the construction of the valuable medical facility. [FULL STORY]