Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/05/03
By: Cheng Chi-feng and Ted Chen
Kaohsiung, May 3 (CNA) “To save up enough money to help our mother buy a
new house” is the wish made for the upcoming Mother’s Day by the Lin sisters, whose filial piety was recognized at an award ceremony held Sunday in Kaohsiung.
In contrast to other award recipients, who were accompanied by their family members, the poignant sight of the Lin sisters alone at the venue drew the attention of reporters.
Lin Chia-feng (林佳鳳), aged 11, is a fifth-grader at the Kaohsiung Municipal Chu-Hu Elementary School. She has two other sisters aged 15 and 8.
She said that her family once worked as farmers in neighboring Pingtung County, but when her father died three years ago, they relocated to Kaohsiung with their mother, who now runs a business renting and setting up tables, chairs and crockery for catering events.