KMT disputes wind power bids

‘DOING THINGS BACKWARDS’: The caucus whip said that he suspected some parties had made huge profits and questioned the Ministry of Economic Affairs’ tender process

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 30, 2018
By: Sean Lin  /  Staff reporter

The Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) caucus yesterday brought legal charges against

From left, Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators Yosi Takun, Alex Fai, Lin Te-fu, Lai Shyh-bao, Ko Chih-en and William Tseng press the doorbell of the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday to bring legal charges against Minister of Economic Affairs Shen Jong-chin.  Photo: CNA

Minister of Economic Affairs Shen Jong-chin (沈榮津), accusing the ministry of agreeing to purchase wind power from seven local and foreign firms at a greatly inflated price, which would result in taxpayers losing NT$900 billion (US$29.5 billion).

The ministry, in a first round of tenders, awarded the bid to the seven companies at NT$5.8 per kilowatt-hour (kWh), but in the second round, which began about two months later, accepted offers from other companies to supply wind power at less than half that price — NT$2.5 per kWh, KMT caucus whip Lin Te-fu (林德福) told a news conference.

Lin said he suspected that some parties have raked in an exorbitant profit and called on prosecutors and investigators to investigate the contracting process.

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