Ko says he would rather stay Taipei mayor than run as Gou’s VP

Radio Taiwan International
Date: 09 August, 2019
By: Leslie Liao

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je says he’d rather keep his current job than act as a running mate to business tycoon Terry Gou in next year’s election.

There have been rumors that Ko might team up with Gou and run on a joint ticket, mounting a challenge to both of Taiwan’s traditional political parties.

Ko has not formally announced a run for president. However, he recently founded his own political party, a move some interpret as a prelude to a presidential run.

Terry Gou, by contrast, has made his presidential aspirations clear, running as a KMT candidate before losing a primary last month. He has since remained quiet about whether he intends to rejoin the race as an independent.    [FULL  STORY]

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