Study ties sugary drinks to cancer

LESS IS MORE: A person’s risk of cancer increases by 18% for every 100ml per day of sugary beverages they drink, research published by a UK journal found

Taipei Times
Date: Aug 10, 2019
By: Wu Liang-yi  /  Staff reporter

Medical studies suggest that people should quit sugary drinks, which can lead to a higher risk of

A woman drinks bubble milk tea in Taipei on Tuesday.
Photo: Wu Liang-yi, Taipei Times

cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

UK-based journal The BMJ  last month published a research paper, which linked the consumption of sweetened drinks to cancer.

The results show that a 100ml per day increase in the consumption of sugary drinks was associated with an 18 percent increased risk of cancer and a 22 percent increased risk of breast cancer, the study found.

Academia Sinica researchers and National Taiwan University Hospital physicians in March also reported an association between pancreatic cancer and abnormal sugar metabolism.

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