Focus Taiwan
Date: 2016/02/29
By: Sunrise Huang and Kuo Chung-han
Taipei, Feb. 29 (CNA) A luminous fiber developed by the Taiwan Textile
Research Institute (TTRI) named “Lumi Long” is ready for commercialization after seven years of research, the institute said.
The fiber was called “Lumi Long” because it can glow in the dark for a long period of time, said Bai Chi-chung (白志中), president of the TTRI.
It can glow for six hours after absorbing sunlight or light from a fluorescent lamp for 10 minutes without any extra electricity or heat, according to the TTRI website.
The fiber is washable and safe for the human body and can be applied to clothes, accessories, hats, scarves, underwear, socks and slippers, the TTRI website said. [FULL STORY]