The China Post
Date: November 2, 2016
By Joseph Yeh
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Foreign Minister David Lee (李大維) Tuesday said the inaugural Taiwan-Japan

Chou Shyue-yow (周學佑), deputy director-general of MOFA’s Department of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, speaks during a regular news briefing in Taipei on Tuesday. (Joseph Yeh, The China Post)
dialogue on maritime affairs Monday was the first step toward resolving the long-term issue of whether Taiwanese fishermen could operate freely in waters near the Japan-claimed Okinotori.
Taipei and Tokyo held the meeting on maritime affairs in Tokyo on Monday, during which they discussed issues including whether Taiwanese fishermen may operate in Okinotori in the Pacific Ocean without the risk of being arrested by Japan.
The two sides were unable to reach a consensus over the matter but did agree to hold a new round of working-group level meetings as soon as possible to address the issue, according to the Foreign Ministry.
Asked to comment on the meeting, Lee told reporters in Taipei that “having a dialogue over the issue is still much better than no dialogue at all.” [FULL STORY]