NPP suspends Legislator Kawlo’s membership, mulling revocation

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2019/07/31
By: Chen Chun-hua, Wang Cheng-chung and Evelyn Kao

Taipei, July 31 (CNA) The New Power Party (NPP) has decided to suspend the membership of

Kowlo Iyun (CNA file photo)

3Legislator Kawlo Iyun (高潞以用) following allegations of abuse of power to obtain government subsidies totaling NT$4 million (US$128,721), NPP spokesman Lee Chao-li (李兆立) said Wednesday.

At a disciplinary committee meeting, a resolution was reached to recommend that Kawlo's party membership be revoked, which would result in the loss of her legislator-at-large seat, if the recommendation is adopted by the NPP, Lee said.

The issue stemmed from an allegation by the Green Party Taiwan on Monday that Kawlo had received NT$4 million in green energy subsidies from the Ministry of Economic Affairs in January through two non-governmental organizations run by her assistant, but had not put the money to any visible use.

In a Facebook post, the Green Party said it is the duty of lawmakers to conduct oversight of government agencies.    [FULL  STORY]

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