.Over 250,000 have taken drugs: FDA

NEW CATEGORY: In a first, the survey included ‘trail mix,’ or mixtures of drugs repackaged to look like coffee or snacks that often contain damaging components

Taipei Times
Date: Aug 01, 2019
By: Lee I-chia  /  Staff reporter

More than 250,000 people in Taiwan have likely used illegal drugs, while an increasing number of

“Trail mix” combinations of narcotics disguised as other things are displayed by the Changhua County Police Bureau in an undated photograph.
Photo copied by Wu Liang-yi, Taipei Times

people have tried unknown mixtures of drugs, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said yesterday.

The findings came from a FDA-commissioned survey conducted last year by National Taiwan University’s (NTU) College of Public Health, which collected data regarding illegal drug use from 18,262 people aged 12 to 64.

The survey found that 1.29 percent of respondents had used identifiable illegal drugs at least once, which could be extrapolated to about 204,000 people among the entire population of the same age.

Once unknown blends of drugs — also known as “trail mix” — was factored in, the prevalence increased to 1.46 percent, or about 258,000 people, the FDA said.    [FULL  STORY]

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