Taipei Times
Date: Feb 27, 2016
By: Jason Pan / Staff reporter
The Control Yuan on Tuesday reprimanded the Kaohsiung District Prosecutors’ Office for neglecting to crack down on one of its own prosecutors who has allegedly been involved in conspiracy to commit murder, interference with police duties and other criminal activities.
In a report published by the Control Yuan, the Kaohsiung Police Department was also reprimanded for failing to report the interference by prosecutor Yen Han-wen (顏漢文) on disputes between law enforcement officials and members of the public from 2011 to 2013.
The probe was conducted by Control Yuan member Kao Feng-hsien (高鳳仙), who documented the criminal cases Yen was involved in, including a conviction last year on a 2011 murder plot against the abbot of Jinshan Temple (金山寺) in Kaohsiung.
In August last year, a district court found Yen guilty of hiring a man to run down the abbot with a car in an attempt to make the incident look like an accident and sentenced him to 15 years in prison. The court said that Yen was trying to take over the temple’s property and its lucrative funeral service business.
The Control Yuan’s report said that in a separate incident, Yen and an accomplice bought three handguns for a hired assassin to kill the abbot, but the abbot escaped with bullet wounds to his left arm. [FULL STORY]