Taiwan News
Date: 2016-02-26
By: Matthew Strong, Taiwan News, Staff Writer
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Top managers at Ting Hsin International affiliate Cheng I Food Co., Ltd. received prison sentences of up to five years and ten months Friday for mixing animal feed oil with other cooking oil and selling it for human consumption.
The case was one of several high-profile food safety scandals which broke out in late 2014, with Ting Hsin, the conglomerate run by the four Wei brothers, at the center of the controversy.
The Kaohsiung District Court on Friday handed out a sentence of five years and ten months in prison to Ho-Wu Hui-chu, the businessperson who sold the animal feed oil to Cheng I. Middleman Lin Ming-chung received four years and two months, Cheng I President Ho Yu-jen eight months and Hu Chin-wen, a company official handling the purchase of the cooking oil ingredients, four months. Appeals were still possible.
Ho-Wu’s company was also fined NT$6 million (US$180,000), while Lin saw his illegal profits estimated at more than NT$4.47 million (US$134,000) confiscated. [FULL STORY]