Zhang Heling is the oldest graduate from Chia Nan University, Taiwan. He promised his parents that he would attain a university education. The graduate hopes to pursue a career as a full-time tour guide.
The Daily Mail
Date: 26 June 2015
By Qin Xie For Mailonline
Zhang Heling has become the oldest person to graduate from Chia Nan University,
Taiwan, 72 years after promising his parents that he would gain a university education, according to People’s Daily Online.
Mr Zhang was also awarded the ‘Senior Diligence Award’ for his hard work.
Originally from the town of Bai Ma in Jiangsu Province, China, Mr Zhang had followed his parents to Shanghai where they were in business.
Due to unrest in China, Mr Zhang moved to Taiwan alone aged 13. Before he left Shanghai, he was able to place a final call to his parents during which his mother told him, ‘Your father wants you to finish university. You’re a boy, you have to survive no matter how hard it is.’
Owing to his young age, Mr Zhang was stationed at the Tainan Air-force Base where he later worked. [FULL STORY]