The China Post
Date: December 8, 2016
By: Kuan-lin Liu
TAIPEI, Taiwan — Taiwan’s 1111 Job Bank on Wednesday reported that 83 percent of service industry
companies were looking to increase manpower for the end-of-the-year holiday season.
Lee Da-hua (李大華), the job bank’s deputy general manager, outlined results of a survey on the service industry’s employee demand during the ongoing holiday season, which spans from November to January.
Lee reported that these three months made up roughly 40 percent of many service providers’ annual sales, which explained why 66 percent of interviewed companies were actively capitalizing on holiday sales opportunities and why 83 percent of companies were recruiting more temporary workers to meet the increase in business.
Of all the segments under the umbrella label “service industries,” tourism, department store retail and dining ranked in the top three industries (in descending order) that claimed the most additional demand for manpower this holiday season. [FULL STORY]