Taipei Times
Date: Jul 01, 2015
By: Abraham Gerber / Staff reporter
Taipei’s first “mobile police stations” (行動派出所) are to go on duty today.
The mobile police stations are minivans equipped with computers and other equipment

Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, right, listens to a police officer explain operations inside one of the city’s new mobile police stations yesterday. Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times
enabling them to process crime reports, saving city residents a trip to a regular police station as was previously required.
Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) yesterday said the five newly commissioned vehicles were just a start, with expansion possible depending upon the results of the city’s trial.
“This is a test — so we did not purchase new vehicles for the experiment,” Ko said, adding that adjustments could be made if the vans’ ability to idle and provide air conditioning proved problematic.
As the vehicles are intended to provide additional service points, they are to carry folding tables and chairs to be set up outside the vehicle if there is insufficient interior space, he said, adding that setting up temporary tents was also a possibility. [FULL STORY]