Taiwan aiming to participate in CPTPP: minister

ALONE: The government is concerned that the nation will be left of the network of regional trade agreements, which would be disadvantageous to the nation’s firms

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 28, 2018
By: Staff writer, with CNA in WASHINGTON

Taiwan hopes to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-

Minister Without Portfolio John Deng, left, meets with the US Department of State’ Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for China, Mongolia and Taiwan Coordination Laura Stone, right, at the SelectUSA Investment Summit in Washington on Friday last week.  Photo: CNA

Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) as soon as possible, Minister Without Portfolio John Deng (鄧振中), Taiwan’s top negotiator, said in an interview.

In an interview published on Tuesday by US trade publication Inside US Trade, Deng said he believes Taiwan can live up to the agreement’s standards and market access commitments.

“We think we are there, we can meet all the standards,” Deng said. “We think we can also achieve that high level of liberalization and market access.”

Taiwan is seeking the support of existing members of the agreement to become a signatory in the deal.    [FULL  STORY]

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