Taiwan will not tolerate fake news reporters from China: MAC

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/06/27
By: Scarlett Chai and S.C. Chang

Taipei, June 27 (CNA) The Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) said Wednesday that while

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it supports press freedom for Chinese journalists based in Taiwan, it will not allow those who spread false rumors and report “fake news” to work here.

The MAC was referring to a case in which a Chinese reporter falsely reported in February that Japanese rescuers who had just arrived at a collapsed building after an earthquake in Hualien refused to “go into the building on a search and rescue mission because of their fear of danger.”

The fact is they were waiting outside the building, listening to a briefing by local rescue team leaders, MAC said, adding that international rescue teams are required to follow the instructions of local teams.

Ye Qinglin, the China Southeast TV reporter who filed the story on the Japanese rescue team’s response to the briefing, went on to say that if they were mainland Chinese rescuers, they would have rushed into the tilted building to save lives.

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