Focus Taiwan
Date: 017/03/10
By: Emerson Lim and Elizabeth Hsu
Manila, March 10 (CNA) Taiwan and the Philippines reached agreement on several

Taiwan’s Representative to the Philippines Gary Lin (second right) shakes hands with Manila Economic and Cultural Office director Cesar Drilon Jr. in a fishery meeting in Manila Friday.
fishery cooperation proposals during a meeting held Thursday in Manila, according to Taiwan’s representative to the Philippines, Gary Lin (林松煥).
In the third Taiwan-Philippines technical meeting on fishery affairs, representatives from Manila answered a request by Taipei, promising efforts to push for the legislation of a “sea-land passage bill” that would allow innocent passage by fishing boats from Taiwan or other countries through waterways between Philippines-controlled archipelagos, Lin said Friday.
Such a bill would help to reduce fishing disputes, Lin said, adding that the fishery meetings have helped boost relations between Taiwan and the Philippines and their cooperation in law enforcement efforts related to fishing. [FULL STORY]