Taiwan sets carbon emissions target for 2020

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2017/11/08
By: Wu Hsin-yun and S.C. Chang

Taipei, Nov. 8 (CNA) Taiwan’s government on Wednesday set a target of reducing the

By Wu Hsin-yun and S.C. Chang

country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2020 to a level 2 percent lower than in 2005.

It set the 2020 target at 260.717 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2eq), which is 2 percent lower than the 2005 level.

In June 2015, to demonstrate its determination to reduce carbon emissions, Taiwan passed the Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Management Act, setting a target of cutting carbon emissions by 2030 to a level equal to 80 percent of the nation’s total carbon emissions in 2005, a base year for the long term effort. Under that model, by 2050, Taiwan’s total greenhouse gas emissions will be just half of the 2005 total.

Thomas S.K. Chan (詹順貴), deputy minister of environmental protection, told CNA Wednesday that the target for 2020 has slowed partly because three nuclear reactors at the country’s first and second nuclear power plants are not in operation.

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