Taiwan still striving for U.S. steel tariff exemption says top trade negotiator

U.S. making “internal considerations” about Taiwan’s tariff request

Taiwan News 
Date: 2018/06/23
By: Scott Morgan, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Taiwan is still striving for exemption from U.S. tariffs on

John Deng in Washington on June 22 (By Central News Agency)

imported steel and alumiuium said John Deng (鄧振中), Taiwan’s top trade negotiator on Friday, reported CNA.

In a press conference, Deng said that Taiwan still holds the goal of being granted a national exemption from Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs and the U.S. is making “internal considerations” about the matter.

Taiwan is also a victim of China’s steel dumping, and the government plans to decrease the Chinese-made components in its steel according to Deng.

Deng said that he raised the issue with U.S. officials and pointed to the financial burden put on Taiwanese steel and aluminum manufacturers during the U.S. investment summit “Select USA” in Washington D.C.    [FULL  STORY]

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