Therapy center to help the persecuted

HAUNTED BY MEMORIES: The psychotherapy center might also provide help to guilt-ridden perpetrators of repression and expects to treat 3,000 to 5,000 people

Taipei Times
Date: Jun 25, 2018
By: Chen Yu-fu  /  Staff reporter

The Transitional Justice Commission has said that it would establish a psychotherapy

Transitional Justice Commission deputy chairman Chang Tien-chin attends a meeting in Taipei on Jan. 29, when he was Mainland Affairs Council deputy minister.  Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

center for survivors of political repression as part of a pilot program.

Although martial law was lifted more than three decades ago, the need to provide psychotherapy to people suffering psychological trauma caused by political repression has remained unaddressed, the commission said.

Many survivors, their families, as well as family members of political victims, still suffer from psychological stresses caused by traumatic memories, it said.

The commission said it has asked the National Property Administration for space in a government building that could be turned into a psychotherapy center dedicated to treating people with mental trauma caused by political repression.

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