Taiwan urges cooperation in disputed waters: maritime official

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2018/06/06
By: Shih Hsiu-chuan

Taipei, June 6 (CNA) Taiwan’s top maritime official on Tuesday called for cooperation

Hwung Hwung-hweng (黃煌煇)

with regional partners as he proposed a way to resolve overlapping fishing rights claims in waters off Japan-held Okinotori atoll in the West Pacific and turning Taiwan-controlled Taiping Island in the South China Sea into a humanitarian rescue center.

The maritime policy of all countries should embrace the idea of “global public goods” to make better and sustainable use of marine resources, Hwung Hwung-hweng (黃煌煇), minister of the Republic of China (Taiwan) Ocean Affairs Council (OAC), told CNA in an interview.

Established in April and headquartered in southern Taiwan’s Kaohsiung City, the OAC is the nation’s first central government agency to take charge of maritime affairs, formerly managed by 22 disparate agencies.

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