Tsai fails to elicit plan to boost Taiwan-China ties in WSJ article

Focus Taiwan
Date: 2015/06/02
By: Claudia Liu and Scully Hsiao

Taipei, June 2 (CNA) Opposition Democratic Progressive Party Chairwoman Tsai 201506020033t0001Ing-wen failed to address how she will bolster ties with China in an article that appeared in the June 1 edition of Wall Street Journal, a Presidential Office official said Tuesday.

While Tsai aimed for “a more consistent and sustainable relationship with China” once she is elected as Taiwan’s president in 2016, she did not mention specifics on how this would be accomplished in the article titled “Taiwan Can Build on U.S. Ties,” the official said on condition of anonymity.

Cross-strait ties are important part of Taiwan’s relations with the U.S., and by failing to specify how to strengthen ties with China, Tsai missed out on the most crucial issue, the official said.     [FULL  STORY]

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