Video shows vicious fight break out after man refuses to pay ticket on Taiwan train

Savage fistfight breaks out after man refuses to make fare adjustment on Taiwan train

Taiwan News
Date: 2019/07/31
By: Keoni Everington, Taiwan News, Staff Writer

(Screenshots from 花蓮爆料王 video)

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A savage fight broke out on a Taiwan Railways Administration (TRA) train on Monday (July 29), after an unruly passenger refused to make a fare adjustment.

On Monday at 1:10 p.m., a man wearing a white dress shirt swiped his EasyCard before boarding a TRA Taroko train in Taipei bound for Hualien, reported UDN. When the conductor saw that he had not properly paid for his ticket, he asked that he make a fare adjustment, but the obstinant passenger refused.

A man wearing a black, short-sleeve shirt then tried to persuade the man to make up the fare. However, this only agitated the man wearing white even further.

Soon, the two became engaged into a verbal altercation which eventually erupted into a full-scale fistfight. In video of the fracas shot by a passenger, the man in white can be seen throwing four right crosses in the row at the man in black.    [FULL  STORY]

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