’HELL’:Witnesses described horrifying scenes as the fireball ripped through the crowd, with waterways filling with blood and young people running for their lives
Taipei Times
Date: Jun 30, 2015
By: Staff writer, with CNA
A father of one of the Formosa Fun Coast victims, who suffered second and third-degree
burns to more than 40 percent of her body, tears up as he talks to reporters at National Cheng Kung University Hospital in Tainan yesterday morning. Photo: CNA
The suspected dust explosion at the Formosa Fun Coast (八仙海岸) water park in New Taipei City’s Bali District (八里) on Saturday evening, that injured nearly 500 people, mostly in their teens and 20s, has left many parents distraught and heartbroken.
The mother of 17-year-old Hsueh Ming-chuan (薛明娟) said her severely burned daughter was lying on an inflatable boat at the park when she found her, more than an hour after the explosion.
“All of her skin was gone. Her hands were shaking… and she kept calling for me,” the visibly distraught mother said. [FULL STORY]