Yahoo Taiwan expects e-commerce mobile traffic to pass PCs

Want China Times
Date: 2015-04-28

The Taiwan unit of Yahoo predicted Monday that its mobile traffic on

Jacky Wang at a press conference, April 27 (Photo/CNA)

Jacky Wang at a press conference, April 27 (Photo/CNA)

e-commerce business will exceed PC traffic in 2015 thanks to the Web portal’s “Mobile First” strategy that has been pushed by CEO Marissa Mayer since 2012.

The company’s mobile transactions accounted for 30% of its total e-commerce revenues in the first quarter of this year, with mobile traffic exceeding 40% of the overall traffic on e-commerce platforms, according to Jacky Wang, vice president of the e-commerce group at Yahoo Taiwan and Hong Kong.

Mobile traffic on Yahoo Taiwan’s Super Mall, one of its three major e-commerce platforms, took a 57% share of the total in the first quarter, surpassing PC traffic for the first time, he said.     [FULL  STORY]

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