COLOR, THEN TERROR: A ‘Color Play Asia’ event turned into a nightmare when a blaze engulfed partygoers in front of a bandstand. The injured are being treated at 43 hospitals in northern Taiwan
Taipei Times
Date: Jun 28, 2015
By: Diane Baker / Staff writer, with AFP and CNA
Hundreds of people were injured last night when an inferno erupted during a party at the

Lifeguards and others last night carry a young woman suffering from facial burns to an ambulance at the Formosa Fun Coast park in New Taipei City’s Bali District after a fire erupted during a Color Play Asia party, injuring hundreds of partygoers. Photo: EPA
Formosa Fun Coast (八仙海岸) water park in New Taipei City’s Bali District (八里).
An explosion occurred about 8:30pm after colored powder that was sprayed over “Color Play Asia” partygoers in front of a stage apparently exploded in the air, triggering a fire that was quickly brought under control.
Initial reports of about 200 people being injured rose to more than 500 by early this morning, with at least 200 reported in serious condition. The numbers rose as authorities tracked victims who had taken themselves to nearby hospitals or been transported by friends or other people. [FULL STORY]