Want China Times
Date: 2015-06-12
Taiwan’s government will likely invest about NT$11 billion (US$355.6 million) to gain
membership in the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), finance minister Chang Sheng-ford said Thursday, revising his earlier estimate of NT$2.2 billion (US$354 million).
The estimated amount was increased sharply because of “changes in the circumstances” surrounding the recent passage of the bank’s charter, Chang told the press.
Under the AIIB’s the newly confirmed charter, Asian members will contribute 75% of the total capitalization, while non-Asian members will make up the other 25%.
Judging from South Korea’s share, Taiwan will likely have to invest about NT$11 billion to be accepted as a member. The funds are payable later in the year when the AIIB charter becomes effective, Chang said. [FULL STORY]